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Windows 10 debloater 2019 自由 -  



my blog のブログ: 年5月.


Run scripts at your own risk! Also, other variants of this repo are not technically "new" versions of this, but they are different in their own respective ways. There are some sites saying that other projects are "new" versions of this, but that is inaccurate. There are different methods of running the PowerShell script. The methods are as follows:. Remember this script NEEDS to be run as admin in order to function properly.

For the WindowsSysPrepDebloater. ps1 file, there are a couple of parameters that you can run so that you can specify which functions are used. The parameters are: -SysPrep , -Debloat and -Privacy. There are now 3 versions of Windows10Debloater - There is an interactive version, a GUI app version, and a pure silent version. This will work to remove the bloatware during the deployment process.

This one should not be used for deployments that require a silent script with optional parameters. This script gives you choices with prompts as it runs so that you can make the choices of what the script does. ps1 with buttons to perform all of the functions that the scripts do. This is better for the average user who does not want to work with code, or if you'd prefer to just see an application screen.

There are 3 switch parameters in the Windows10SysPrepDebloater. ps1 script. This is useful since some administrators need that command to run first in order for machines to be able to properly provision the apps for removal.

It runs the following functions: Start-Debloat, Remove-Keys, and Protect-Privacy. Remove-Keys removes registry keys leftover that are associated with the bloatware apps listed above, but not removed during the Start-Debloat function.

For best results, this script should be run before a user profile is configured, otherwise, you will likely see that apps that should have been removed will remain, and if they are removed you will find broken tiles on the start menu. EclipseManager, ActiproSoftwareLLC, Microsoft. PPIProjection, Microsoft. This is good to revert the changes in a script to run. Windows 10 Debloater can be used without installation.

We will add more languages for ToolTips. Added ToolTip languages: DE, IT, and RO. txt files. The tabs to create a customized PowerShell script and run has changed to use Sophia Script functions so totally different now. Old radiobutton saved presets not compatible with this new version. UI has been updated. Bug fixes. There are many ToolTip languages for radiobuttons: EN, RU, PL, FR, ES, PT, CN, KR, JP and VN.

More to come! For more information about a option, place your mouse cursor over the radiobutton for a ToolTip. A ToolTip is a balloon message popup that shows when you rest your mouse cursor over a radiobutton.

ToolTip in English. exe : The GUI program. txt : contains the options function names to select from usually only 2 options that something is Enable or Disable. Notice the sections and how a comma and double quotes separate them. Failed to load latest commit information. psm1 changed to New-FolderForced. Oct 26, Remove double entries.

Jul 4, Added more registry tweaks to lower RAM usage. Jun 30, Fix lineendings. Apr 22, Create LICENSE. Aug 13, Add link to German fork May 20, View code. Debloat Windows 10 Note about Windows This project does not directly support Windows Translations Fork with German version Interactivity The scripts are designed to run without any user interaction.

Download Latest Version Code located in the master branch is always considered under development, but you'll probably want the most recent version anyway. If we meet someday, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy us a beer in return.

View license. Debloat Windows 10 is a collection of PowerShell scripts designed to disable most of Windows' telemetry and tweak other parts of the system as well.

The scripts were tested on a Windows 10 Professional Bit English machine. Home Edition and different languages are not supported. The scripts are intended for tech-savvy administrators, who know what they are doing and just want to automate this phase of their setup.


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